ONLINE in SAYAMA Questions & Answers

今回ARISS SCHOOL CONTACTを行うにあたり、子どもたちへの英語の指導や翻訳を行ってくださったのは、狭山市でALTとして活動する先生や国際交流協会などで活躍する市民のみなさんがボランティアで協力してくださいました。



Frankie Lafferty、Saika Lafferty、Atsushi Kasuya、Hiroko Okuda

(13/July 2022 JST 20:56 ~ )


  1. Akari  ===============★

Q : What does the moon look like from the ISS? (ISSから見た月はどうなっていますか?)

A : Akari, great question!The moon is about the same size. We’re only 250miles (400km) above the Earth. But it’s much clearer because we don’t have to look through the atmosphere. And so the moon is very beautiful from here.

(いい質問ですね。月はほぼ同じサイズです。ISSは地球から250マイル(400km)のところにあります。 ここでは大気がないのではっきり見えるのです。ここから見る月はとってもきれいです。)

  1. Takako  ===============★

Q:What are the inconvenient points about zero gravity?(無重力で不便なことはなんですか?)

A : Takako, thank you for the question, So, it’s a lot of fun to be in zero gravity. But some of the inconveniences are everything wants to run away from you or float away from you, If you imagine taking everything out of your backpack and putting them on the ground to find something. When we do that in zero gravity, every time we pull open the lid of our backpack everything wants to float out. It’s very easy to lose things.

(質問ありがとう。無重力の生活はとても楽しいけれど不便なことは、なんでもあなたから逃げていくことです。 例えば、リュックサックから何かを探すために全部出して並べるとしますよね。無重力でそれをやろうとすると、リュックサックのふた開けると、物が全部浮かんでいくので、物を失くしやすいです。)

  1. Kaho  ===============★

Q : What are the good points about zero gravity? (無重力で便利だと思うことはなんですか?)

A : Kaho, it’s fun to float. It’s amazing to be able to just move from one place to another by just gently pushing. I can do back-flips and front flips up here, things that I can’t do on the Earth.


  1. Haruka ===============★

Q : How old were you when you wanted to become an astronaut and why?(宇宙飛行士になりたいという夢は何歳くらいからですか? なぜ?)

A : Haruka, I wanted to be an astronaut as long as I remember; I was inspired by science fiction: reading books and seeing movies. And then I watched the space shuttle launch when I was in 2nd grade. And that solidified this desire to fly (?) in space. And I’m very grateful to have this opportunity.


  1. Aoba ===============★

Q : What does it feel like to float in zero gravity?(浮かぶってどんな感じですか?)

A : Aoba, thank you for the question, It’s hard to describe what it feels like but when I sleep, I am in my sleeping bag and I float in sleeping quarters and it feels like sleeping on a cloud.


  1. Risa ===============★

Q : What space food do you like?(宇宙食はなにが好きですか?)

A : Risa, my favorite food is probably our breakfast food. I like the sausages and eggs. And the food is very similar to camping food. Most of it is rehydrated. We have to add water and it tastes pretty good.


  1. Iori ===============★

Q : Is it difficult to move around in the ISS?(船内の移動は、難しいですか?)

A : Iori, it is very easy to move in the ISS. You gently push off and you go in that direction. But it can be very hard to control yourself, especially initially. And so oftentimes you go crashing into the wall and you knock equipment loose and it’s pretty funny. But, you get better at it over time.


  1. Uta ===============★

Q : What does a soap bubble look like in space?(宇宙でシャボン玉を作ったらどうなりますか?)

A : Uta, we haven‘t gotten to play with soap bubbles but one of my friends (Dartz??) did some experiments on soap bubbles and they look very much the same up here. Of course they don’t necessarily float up or down. They just carried wherever the ventilation and the air takes it.


  1. Sanaka ===============★

Q : Which planet do you like in the solar system?(太陽系の中でどの惑星が一番好きですか?)

A : Sanaka, my favorite planet is Earth. But I also like Mars, because I know we are going to explore there someday. And my favorite planet to look at in the telescope is Satun.


  1. Yuki ===============★

Q : How do you decide night and day in the ISS?(ISSではどのように昼と夜を決めていますか?)

A : Yuki, we see 16 sunrises and 16 sunsets over the course of 24 hours, so our day and night is determined just by the clock. We go by GMT, Grenwich Mean Time. So at 6 in the morning we get up and when it’s 10 at night we go to bed.


  1. Chiyo ===============★

Q : Can you draw pictures in the ISS?(宇宙では(ISSでは)絵を描くことは出来るのですか?)

A : Chiyo, absolutely we can draw pictures. We have paper ad pens and pencils. However, I’m not a very good artist. My daughter is an amazing artist. And it’d be awesome for her to come up here and to draw/

(描けますよ。紙もペンも鉛筆もあります。だけど私は絵を描くのが得意ではないです。 私の娘が驚くほどの芸術家! ここにきて絵を描いてくれたらいいのですがね。)

  1. Yusei ===============★

Q : Do you see any shooting stars from the ISS?(ISSで、流れ星は見えるのですか?)

A : Yusei, we sure do, but the amazing thing about shooting stars from the ISS is that we look down at the Earth and we can see shooting stars going through the clounds back on the Earth. We don’t look up like we do on the Earth. Which is just pretty amazing.


  1. Kousei ===============★

Q : What is your daily routine at the ISS?(宇宙ステーションでの1日のルーティンを教えてください。)

A : Kousei, at 7:30 we get up and talk with the ground about the work we’re going to do and then we start working. We have an hour for lunch and sometime to work out but we work from 7:30 in the morning till 7:30 at night.


  1. Miu  ===============★

Q : Can you change the speed of the ISS?(ISSのスピードは速くなったり遅くなったりしないのですか?)

A : Miu, we can’t change the speed but we can work with the ground and they can change the speed. We generally will just use the boosters of one of the cargo vehicles (…some words are missing..)travel a little faster and that will increase our altitude)

(私達が自分たちで変えることはできないのです。 地上の管制塔でコントロールします。普通は貨物用のブースターを使って少し早く移動したり、それで高度が上がったりします。)

  1. Daisuke ===============★

Q : How heavy is a space suite?(宇宙服はどれくらい重いのですか?)

A : Daisuke, on the ground spacesuits weigh 250 to 300 pounds (about 130kg). But up here they don’t weigh anything. But you do feel the mass and they are “heavy” to move around. But it’s pretty amazing thing.


  1. Syuri ===============★

Q : How do you take a bath in the ISS?(お風呂はどうしているのですか?)

A : Syuri, it is a great question. We don‘t have a bath tub or shower. We don’t have running water, so we put hot water on a kind of wash cloth and that’s how we take a bath. And it’s very similar to camping.


Message to the Boy Scouts


Well、I am very excited to talk with you all. I appreciate your time. I was a boy scout growing up and my sons are scouts so that I hope you enjoy your time camping and spending time with nature. It’s one of my favorite activities: to go camping. And I wish you all the very best. Thank you so much for your time today.

(皆と話できてとても楽しかったです。このような時間を作ってくれてありがとう。私も若い頃ボーイスカウトに入っていたし、今は私の息子たちがボーイスカウトにいます。キャンプしたり自然の中での時間を楽しんでください。キャンプは私も大好きな行事です。 皆元気で! 今日は本当にありがとう。)

Kjell, his final words: 周りの皆さんへのことば

Thank you so much for your time. And to you, thank you so much for coordinating and mentoring these young scouts. (JIBSY) Appreciate it and To The Stars
